I have been busy with working and to cope with stress. Even the blog itself its about, stop worrying , but i try to tell myself to be okay..
Recently, i read book all aboutt wedding. From bridal guide to magazine.
Actually, I decide everything for the preparation . I don't tell my fiance' for this as he would slash the budget!. You know guy as always contra with us..hehe
I'm the bride, i'm the wedding planner, i'm chef de sous , ....to save budget and have simple wedding is the aim. Okay, here are the things i would like to share some of the preparations that i did so far ..
1. Theme of the wedding - green and white . Pelamin -green white + silver .
2. The bride and groom - silver in kebaya/white (gown).
3. The bridemaid - green./light green
4 . Family members - Green / white
5. Souvenirs - White rose and green apple(1200pieces)..For VIP, still KIV . (100pieces) +20 pieces for TNB grooups.
6. Decoration of the small hall - still searchingggg..but i have in mind .To make it real, i need to rob Maybank twice. hehe Hmm, my fren Sireh suggested Carnation flowers for the deco. Okay, will buy it.! Hm...how bunch Sirehh???
7. Room decoration - this is not in the list. hehee rumahku takde katil
8. Menu - Will be set as gotong royong but rent all the cutlery from caterer nearby.
9. PA system , marhaban, invited singer - need to confirm 3 months before.
10. Wedding cake - I had requested this makcik to bake the cake, but will see her creativity bofore i determine to pay. Hm.. 5 tier. white and greeen.
11. Outdoor photography - Still booked Olivia . After raya , will discuss about the payment .
12. Tradisional cookies - Bahulu, kerepek, - will determine after raya .
Whoa, still have lots of things to prepared shina!!! Escp ---money!
1 comment:
carnation tu..
berapa kuntum x berapa kerusi = jumlah carnation
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