Representing fertility, the egg of the bunga telur, in form, is in its own prayer for the couple to be blessed with children. Since human life begins with a fertilized egg or ovum and new life in non-mammals hatches from an egg, the symbolism of the egg, appears in more ways than one.

Traditionally, the bunga telur is a plastic flower with a hard-boiled egg attached to it in a net. However, the design of the bunga telur has evolved over the years. Eggs have been packed in mengkuang (screpine leaves) boxes; fancily decorated egg cups; wrapped up in soap cases; and even cocooned in jewellery or tea sachet boxes.
There are lots of collection of bunga pahar/flower egg such as Bunga Pahar Dip (market price RM8), Bunga Pahar Stoking, Bunga Pahar Songket ( market price RM18)
Representing my flower eggs this 31 Jan 2010..idea belasah je. Janji Murah!
Sory the pic quite blurr!
With that , I end the story - Fiza appointed as flower eggs girl and Tikah as doorgift girl. Ok my fren..baju wajib pink!
aku akan curik bunga telur ko ni.. hahhahha..
haha sure ada lebih
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