Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Be yourself

Hi....welcome to my blog!

In this blog , i only focus with topic related to worry and how to become happy .

Why ? Because i have knew most of us are still searching for this elements .

Even we are satisfied with our works and life now...but sometimes its can lack.

I have read fews books about this topic and I strongly believe what has written by the writers will heal our soul and make us more confident and learn to accept any weaknesses and strenght -simultaneoulsy we won't be able to sad anymore...

Suggest to all of my readers, to read " Being Happy" by Andrew Mathews and " "How to Enjoy your life and your job " by Dale Carnegie .

Ok.Lets start with the Seven Rule of How to Stop Worrying and Start Living .

First rule : Be Yourself ( Remember , Nobody in this world are same with You )

This is a story about Paul Boyton , which at that time a Director of a company , explained on the biggest mistake that a person did in their job application.

He is expert and had been interviewed more than 60, 000 candidates and he is the writer of book title : 6 Ways to Get a Job .

The most common mistake - dishonest . Even though candidates are suppose to be honest to all their answers, but always they gave the answers what they think should be .


Fyza d.Hana said...

em.. jd kaunselor pn k gak..

superwoman said...

ada untung tak fiza?

Fyza d.Hana said...

itu jela yg ko pikir..
jual popiah je la ko tu.. hehehe..

superwoman said...

haha aku pun nak ada share kat kedai buku ko tu