today , i would like to share some tips how to be happy ...
1. Chase for your dreams
2. Smile with your heart
3. Share with others ( not poligamy ok fiza)
4. Help your Neighbourhood
5. Keep your spirit alive
6. Accept everything
7. Calm under pressure
8. Humour is the Best
9. Forgiving People
10. Love and couple
11. Cooperation
12. Appreciate every moments with your loved one
13. Trust yourself
14. Respect others
15. Treat yourself
16. Explore your world
17. Brave to take risk
18. Money is not everthing
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Forgiving Ourself
Today topic is about forgiving ourself . If forgiving others is difficult , forgiving ourselves is even harder . Many people spend their whole lives punishing themselves mentally and physically for what they believe to be their own shortcomings. Some over-eat, some under-eat like me, some drink themselves into oblivion , some systematically destroy all their relationships, some live a life ot poverty or sickness. At the root of this suffering can be a belief system which says, " I am guilty ," " I don't deserve to be happy,'' ...or many more expression.
You may be surprised at how many sick people there are who are not convinced that they deserve to be healhty and happy!
If you are feeling guilty, I would suggest that you have put yourself through enough. Why prolong it? If you were to feel gulity for an extra year or two, you woudn't help things.
Throw out the guilt . Not that it's easy to throw it out. Maintaining a healthy mind takes a lot of effort as does maintaning a healthy body . It is worth the effort .
I can conclude - it is our choice whether we get on with our life and live in the now , or whether we chain ourselves to grudges and upsets of the past .
Forgive and forget
You may be surprised at how many sick people there are who are not convinced that they deserve to be healhty and happy!
If you are feeling guilty, I would suggest that you have put yourself through enough. Why prolong it? If you were to feel gulity for an extra year or two, you woudn't help things.
Throw out the guilt . Not that it's easy to throw it out. Maintaining a healthy mind takes a lot of effort as does maintaning a healthy body . It is worth the effort .
I can conclude - it is our choice whether we get on with our life and live in the now , or whether we chain ourselves to grudges and upsets of the past .
Forgive and forget
Monday, September 15, 2008
Smart tips to save energy money
Are you one of those who've always wondered abut your high electricity bills? Have you ever suspected that you've been overcharged for power yo're never used? OR did you really use that power , and if you did, how can you learn to save power so that you can save on your electricity bills?
Energy efficient tips are really quite smart and simple. First , you need to the appliances with high -energy consumption that you own. Things that generate heat, like the air conditioner , water heater, electric flask , and slow cooker are known as energy-killers. All you need to do is use these appliances efficiently so that your energy costs go down .
One of the best ways to save your power bills is to use less air conditioning .Did you know? Each degree cooler or warmer increases your energy use by 5% . Having this in mind, setting the AC thermostat to around 26 celcius makes the temperature 'just nice' without consuming too much electricity .
Likewise, if you must the water heater for showers, make sure that the temperature is not set too high. Hot water is expensive ,and colud also scald your skin , or cause it to turn dry .
Even laundry habits can be modified to help you save money. Do not use hot water to do your laundry . Operate your washing at full load . Plan for yourself to do all your ironing at one go instead of several times a week .
Replace all light fixtures in the house with enery saving bulbs. I f you don't like coming home to a dark house, then use timers, or install motion detectors for added home security . And of course , turn off all lights and electrical appliances when not in use.
Energy efficient tips are really quite smart and simple. First , you need to the appliances with high -energy consumption that you own. Things that generate heat, like the air conditioner , water heater, electric flask , and slow cooker are known as energy-killers. All you need to do is use these appliances efficiently so that your energy costs go down .
One of the best ways to save your power bills is to use less air conditioning .Did you know? Each degree cooler or warmer increases your energy use by 5% . Having this in mind, setting the AC thermostat to around 26 celcius makes the temperature 'just nice' without consuming too much electricity .
Likewise, if you must the water heater for showers, make sure that the temperature is not set too high. Hot water is expensive ,and colud also scald your skin , or cause it to turn dry .
Even laundry habits can be modified to help you save money. Do not use hot water to do your laundry . Operate your washing at full load . Plan for yourself to do all your ironing at one go instead of several times a week .
Replace all light fixtures in the house with enery saving bulbs. I f you don't like coming home to a dark house, then use timers, or install motion detectors for added home security . And of course , turn off all lights and electrical appliances when not in use.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
"Public Mutual -My first Unit Trust "
My blog today will paste up few interesting comment on what people say about Unit Trust .
First Comment from the consultant blog or if you wanna to know more please click at
"Assalamualaikum Razdi,I’glad to hear that you interested to invest in unit trust but there there’re rules that you’ve to follow if you want ton invest in this fund.1. It’s a medium and long term investment advise to hold at least 3 years and above.Average return from Public Mutual fund on average is from 40 % an above depend on time of current market you invest. Like now when the market is down this is the best time to invest. investment in unit trust is like plant a durian tree, it take a few years to grow but we can harvesrt the fruit until the tree die.So if you want to know the profit in a year you better put in ASB or buy direct fund can’t guarante the exact profit but it can give more than you expected if you are willing to wait.
For your info ittikal fund performance since launch 97 is about 250 % growth.If you need to know more just email to me at "
2nd comment :
" I enjoyed reading every single comment on financial planning topics. BTW, what does ‘financial freedom’ mean? And is there any difference between unit trust and mutual fund? Similar mechanism?
Unit trust industry is still new to me. It caught my attention after a local newspaper reported that EPF investors suffered a loss of RM600 million. Wow! That’s a lot of money… Just imagine for those investors who going to retire in 2 or 3 years time. Do you think that they could recover their initial investments? Anyway, these are some of the questions came to my mind and it makes me become more and more interested in unit trust…
I’ve been working for approximately 3 years and I realised that I haven’t made any savings or investments since then. I’ve to start investing / saving now…"
3rd comment :
"Saya tak pandai sgt berbahasa English, malu jugak nanti takut tersalah bahasa. tapimasih teringin nak komen sesuatu di sini. Sebelum ni memang tak tahu langsung apa itu Unit Trust or Public Mutual Sampaila one day saya di approach by one of the Public Mutual unit trust consultant. At first saya cuba invest EPF, tapi lepas tgk keuntungan yg dapat naik geram pulak so saya cuba cash. bermula dengan RM1000. Alhamdullilah.. pulangan dia memang diluar jangkaan tak macam ASB yang disimpan RM1000 bila nak keluarkan pun RM1000. No capital gain. Memang tak menyesal. Sekarang saya dah tambah investment sebanyak RM10,000. Tapi apa yang paling menakjubkan tentang Public Mutual is my agent. he updates me almost every months and her service is one of the reason what I luv about public mutual. And she also pretty.. heheheh but that not the issue. The issue is Public Mutual will always be my choice. Banyak my friends yang masuk Swiss Cash kind of big talk previously. And they even laugh at me. Well look whose laughing now…."
4th comment :
"wow! this is fantastic! i’m so glad to get in touch with you people! i’ve been looking around looking for some guidance in finances, and i found you. my deepest gratitude for the replies. actually, i do not have EPF. i invested with PIADF following the advice of my agent. when i got an extra 1,000 i immediately decided to call an agent friend. i had no idea what unit trusts were, but i knew it may be better than just keeping the amount in the bank. he explained to me what it means to invest in PIADF, and he said its moderate risk. so i said ok. do you think i should stick with my current fund, or should i switch?
more success to all of you! thank you so much for sharing!"
Happy investing from me!
First Comment from the consultant blog or if you wanna to know more please click at
"Assalamualaikum Razdi,I’glad to hear that you interested to invest in unit trust but there there’re rules that you’ve to follow if you want ton invest in this fund.1. It’s a medium and long term investment advise to hold at least 3 years and above.Average return from Public Mutual fund on average is from 40 % an above depend on time of current market you invest. Like now when the market is down this is the best time to invest. investment in unit trust is like plant a durian tree, it take a few years to grow but we can harvesrt the fruit until the tree die.So if you want to know the profit in a year you better put in ASB or buy direct fund can’t guarante the exact profit but it can give more than you expected if you are willing to wait.
For your info ittikal fund performance since launch 97 is about 250 % growth.If you need to know more just email to me at "
2nd comment :
" I enjoyed reading every single comment on financial planning topics. BTW, what does ‘financial freedom’ mean? And is there any difference between unit trust and mutual fund? Similar mechanism?
Unit trust industry is still new to me. It caught my attention after a local newspaper reported that EPF investors suffered a loss of RM600 million. Wow! That’s a lot of money… Just imagine for those investors who going to retire in 2 or 3 years time. Do you think that they could recover their initial investments? Anyway, these are some of the questions came to my mind and it makes me become more and more interested in unit trust…
I’ve been working for approximately 3 years and I realised that I haven’t made any savings or investments since then. I’ve to start investing / saving now…"
3rd comment :
"Saya tak pandai sgt berbahasa English, malu jugak nanti takut tersalah bahasa. tapimasih teringin nak komen sesuatu di sini. Sebelum ni memang tak tahu langsung apa itu Unit Trust or Public Mutual Sampaila one day saya di approach by one of the Public Mutual unit trust consultant. At first saya cuba invest EPF, tapi lepas tgk keuntungan yg dapat naik geram pulak so saya cuba cash. bermula dengan RM1000. Alhamdullilah.. pulangan dia memang diluar jangkaan tak macam ASB yang disimpan RM1000 bila nak keluarkan pun RM1000. No capital gain. Memang tak menyesal. Sekarang saya dah tambah investment sebanyak RM10,000. Tapi apa yang paling menakjubkan tentang Public Mutual is my agent. he updates me almost every months and her service is one of the reason what I luv about public mutual. And she also pretty.. heheheh but that not the issue. The issue is Public Mutual will always be my choice. Banyak my friends yang masuk Swiss Cash kind of big talk previously. And they even laugh at me. Well look whose laughing now…."
4th comment :
"wow! this is fantastic! i’m so glad to get in touch with you people! i’ve been looking around looking for some guidance in finances, and i found you. my deepest gratitude for the replies. actually, i do not have EPF. i invested with PIADF following the advice of my agent. when i got an extra 1,000 i immediately decided to call an agent friend. i had no idea what unit trusts were, but i knew it may be better than just keeping the amount in the bank. he explained to me what it means to invest in PIADF, and he said its moderate risk. so i said ok. do you think i should stick with my current fund, or should i switch?
more success to all of you! thank you so much for sharing!"
Happy investing from me!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
"Is it a good time to invest?"
Have a pause a bit on my blog topic-worrying.
Now's let me explained how unit trust can make u happy until your age of retirement .
Someone asked me whether it is a good time to invest in unit trust funds given the current market condition.
First of all, the stock market is volatile, which means it will always go up and down. I mean, has anyone seen a market that continues to stay up for many years?
Secondly when the market is down, it is a good time to buy.
Unfortunately people have the tendency to panic. Once they see the market going down, they sell their funds. And a lot of time they sell at a lost because they sell at the wrong time i.e when they are making losses.
Ideally the best time to buy is when the market is really down and sell when the market is high up. But who can accurately tell when the market is at its down low or at its all time high, before the situations take place?
Unit trust investment is about buying units (hence the name unit trust). When you buy at a lower price you get a lot more units (compared to buying at a high price per unit). And if you sell when the market is up you get a lot more profit.
One way to invest around the volatility of the stock market is to practice the “dollar cost averaging”.
What it means is to top up your investment or in other words buy regularly. The ideal situation is off course to buy every month. In EPF’s case, its members are allowed to withdraw every three month to top up their investments.
When the market is down and you have the financial resources, take advantage ot it! Buy more units as you will get more for less. Look at it this way, when the market is down the price per unit for most funds are low too. Think Mega sale!
And once you’ve reached your target, sell. And sell when the market is doing well.
Now's let me explained how unit trust can make u happy until your age of retirement .
Someone asked me whether it is a good time to invest in unit trust funds given the current market condition.
First of all, the stock market is volatile, which means it will always go up and down. I mean, has anyone seen a market that continues to stay up for many years?
Secondly when the market is down, it is a good time to buy.
Unfortunately people have the tendency to panic. Once they see the market going down, they sell their funds. And a lot of time they sell at a lost because they sell at the wrong time i.e when they are making losses.
Ideally the best time to buy is when the market is really down and sell when the market is high up. But who can accurately tell when the market is at its down low or at its all time high, before the situations take place?
Unit trust investment is about buying units (hence the name unit trust). When you buy at a lower price you get a lot more units (compared to buying at a high price per unit). And if you sell when the market is up you get a lot more profit.
One way to invest around the volatility of the stock market is to practice the “dollar cost averaging”.
What it means is to top up your investment or in other words buy regularly. The ideal situation is off course to buy every month. In EPF’s case, its members are allowed to withdraw every three month to top up their investments.
When the market is down and you have the financial resources, take advantage ot it! Buy more units as you will get more for less. Look at it this way, when the market is down the price per unit for most funds are low too. Think Mega sale!
And once you’ve reached your target, sell. And sell when the market is doing well.
Be yourself

Hi....welcome to my blog!
In this blog , i only focus with topic related to worry and how to become happy .
Why ? Because i have knew most of us are still searching for this elements .
Even we are satisfied with our works and life now...but sometimes its can lack.
I have read fews books about this topic and I strongly believe what has written by the writers will heal our soul and make us more confident and learn to accept any weaknesses and strenght -simultaneoulsy we won't be able to sad anymore...
Suggest to all of my readers, to read " Being Happy" by Andrew Mathews and " "How to Enjoy your life and your job " by Dale Carnegie .
Ok.Lets start with the Seven Rule of How to Stop Worrying and Start Living .
First rule : Be Yourself ( Remember , Nobody in this world are same with You )
This is a story about Paul Boyton , which at that time a Director of a company , explained on the biggest mistake that a person did in their job application.
He is expert and had been interviewed more than 60, 000 candidates and he is the writer of book title : 6 Ways to Get a Job .
The most common mistake - dishonest . Even though candidates are suppose to be honest to all their answers, but always they gave the answers what they think should be .
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