Officially this Aidilfitri was the first celebration with Hafiz and as wife this raya was engaged with compact schedule. From my maternal check up at government clinic to the raya dishes ** . It is back to my physical and mental preparation for curb the situation .
I feel touched by him for make my pregnancy journey smooth and wonderful.
The first trimester was full of excitement and i'm more tired than usuall . Many women will experience mood swings during this stage, so do I . Begin to have some downs, as well as ups.
Nausea, often called morning sickness, although it may not always occur in the morning. Sometimes, i feel it..but most of the times I just ignore to feel dizzy.
I don't vomit at this stage but only too much of thinking .
To my all friends , let the spirit of Raya show us the way to forgiveness and respect - to allow harmony to return to our lives.

bestnye na...
bukan senang nak dpt hubby mcm hafiz..
mu jgn pk byk..
tenangkan hati & minda..
mana2 yg ckp xelok kat mu, mu cpt2 'hapuskan'.. hahahahaha...
haha tq ka..
nak hapuskan tu belum lagi ka
aii time2 mcm ni pula muncul
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