"Makan bola,Minum bola, tidur bola " This tagline dedicated for u lah
On the 9th April 2010, we celebrated at Bangi, dinner with family members as usuall.
Birthday celebration is not complete without delicious food.
And what's a birthday party without cake?
17 April 2010
I has ordered the cuppies last week at Chomel Cupcakes .. And there is no surprise dinner coz tak sempat..as superwoman turn to superbusy . Also, i not even have chance to cook as "busy" ( haha alasan2)
Birthday gifts : next month budget k dear
Okay, enjoy the pictures !
Manchester Cuppies
"With each year I'll love you more. Remember that your best years are still ahead of you and I'll be there for every up down and in between"

1 comment:
wah mu!
siap bg cupcakes MU lagi.. hahahahah
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