Sunday, December 26, 2010

The pre-baby vacation

Its been a couple of month didn't write for the blog. Busy with work and assignment jobs.
In this post, my recent babymoon vacation before my last hoorah to the hospital.
Many couples choose to take a vacation during pregnancy. This will be the last chance to get away alone for quite some time. Once the baby is born, planning a vacation gets much more complicated.

Christmas @ Cyberview Logde Resort& Spa Cyberjaya

Lakeside Chalets

Gift from Cyberview ( a bear and Chocolate)

Monday, November 22, 2010

Busy mode

Superwoman wish to update few stories
Postponed due to expressecretary - 11 jobs in progress be completed this month !

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Raya photos

Just to upload few photos for my memory lane this raya.

First raya with Hafiz's family and his siblings.

With lovely Athirah..

Raya at home

Our lovely friends and guest..hehe

Until next post. :0

Monday, September 13, 2010

Idul Fitri 2010 & Nausea

The year has passed too quickly and here we are again. The end of Ramadhan and the beginning of Syawal make me feel blessing all the way. The fasting month, a month of contemplation, a month of redemption, a month full of holiness will soon come to an end.

Officially this Aidilfitri was the first celebration with Hafiz and as wife this raya was engaged with compact schedule. From my maternal check up at government clinic to the raya dishes ** . It is back to my physical and mental preparation for curb the situation .

I feel touched by him for make my pregnancy journey smooth and wonderful.
The first trimester was full of excitement and i'm more tired than usuall . Many women will experience mood swings during this stage, so do I . Begin to have some downs, as well as ups.

Nausea, often called morning sickness, although it may not always occur in the morning. Sometimes, i feel it..but most of the times I just ignore to feel dizzy.
I don't vomit at this stage but only too much of thinking .

To my all friends , let the spirit of Raya show us the way to forgiveness and respect - to allow harmony to return to our lives.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Beauty Conscious

How do i start?
Try something new and continous the good effort.

Radiant looks are never easy to achieve as they are the result of good health from within. Our hectic lifestyles and unbalanced diets mean our body often does not receive all the nutrients and fibre it needs, and this often shows on our skin.

With that , recently starts from Monday ..Superwoman just bought Inner Shine Prune Essence as additional to her health. Maybe she has influenced by TV ad such Camelia and Diana Dianelle. haha

Whatever our age, it is never too late or too early to optimise your well-being. For Superwoman , this is the time to be the best can be.
For those who are health and beauty conscious, InnerShine® Prune Essence will works wonders.

(hmm rasa2 mmg kena minum 100 botol baru mujarab ni! )

Monday, July 5, 2010

Weekend Gateway

Superwoman & hubby decided to go Pullman Putrajaya Lakeside for weekend gateway . We wanted to go somewhere which is not in city and not too far from the city as well. We chose Pullman Putrajaya Lakeside Hotel.

Nothing to write about..its just newly opened hotel and resort with its unique architecture dedicated to distinctively Malaysian ethnic. Beauty and fantastic design.

My room was the deluxe with balcony, it's spacious and the view from the room was so nice which can see the lake. The surronding of the hotel compound was nicely decorated.

and Man will always be a man..

a beautiful night ambience ..

The next day, we had our breakfast at B's restaurant (element of purple , red and black)

After the yummy breakfast , we enjoy the scenery surround hotel.

It was a perfect getaway !